
  • two young women in blue and red with flowers, one wearing Blue Sunglasses, © Margaret Schnipper, photographer

Lola Ramona

Where you come from (born or primarily grew up ?

So many different places- so I consider myself a New Yorker.

Where you live now: Los Angeles, California

What age you were at the time of the photograph:  29

How old you expect to live to be:
When I was a baby in Japan, a woman named Crazy Mary read my palm. She said “Baby live long life”, so I’ve always believed her.

What do you love most to do in life?
Making art and spending time with my husband.

What about yourself do you really like?
I like my talent when I use it and my empathy.

Have you ever known anyone who died of AIDS?
Yes, my dear friend Andy died when he was 21. This year I ran the AIDS 1/2 marathon at Disneyland in his honor.

Have you ever known anyone who died at a young age?
See above.

What would you like to see people do to change the world?
Stop using weapons, stop being so power and money obsessed, stop letting people be president who really want to be.

Looking back over your life, what are some of the funnest times you’ve ever had?
I feel very lucky that all my life has been such a wonderful adventure. I hope it keeps going like that.

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